Saturday, September 7, 2013

DIY Hairstyles: Flat Iron Curls and Waves

I love my hair (it never frizzes!), but it also never curls. So when I need to curl my hair, what do I do? Luckily, A Beautiful Mess (one of my favorite blogs!) has the perfect tutorial (thank you)!  Let's go~

(Source: A Beautiful Mess)

Directions (paraphrased by moi):
  1. Separate your hair into three different sections. (Or however many sections you want.)
  2. Take your straightener (or flat iron) and clamp it on one section of hair. (Start where you want your waves to begin - probably somewhere halfway.)
  3. Turn your straightener (or wrap your hair around the straightener) clockwise (if you're curling on the right side), slowly. Make sure every part of your hair is heated - if your hair doesn't turn out very curly, curling more slowly will probably do the trick.
  4. Repeat for each section, and run your fingers through your hair (to break up the individual curls).
Tada! I hope you have fun. From experience, it takes a while to do this, so don't get discouraged. Also, it's recommended you use some sort of heat protection spray, so you don't damage your hair. Practice makes perfect! I wish you good luck!

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